Undergraduate Program Entry Requirements

Cuttington University is historically committed to providing quality education to all who enter for study. The university firmly believes that learning is continuous, and therefore subscribes to the notion of lifelong learning. Each applicant is reviewed carefully based on entrance requirements as defined by the university. In choosing its students, Cuttington does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, religion, national origin, or personal disabilities. All students admitted are screened on placement examinations in English and Mathematics as determined by the Office of Admissions and Records.
Cuttington is academically “quality-driven”, and has historically provided for young people in Liberia and from other parts of Africa and the world, to have access to higher education. It reserves the right to grant or deny admission based on the guidelines set below.
The undergraduate curriculum is liberal arts based; and that is, it assumes that students should have a general education drawn from broad academic areas, as well as specialized training in one major department, and that students should have the liberty within certain established guidelines and consultation with their faculty advisors, to select their own course of study.
Academic work is measured in terms of semester or credits hours. For a student to graduate, he/she must complete and pass a minimum number of semester hours with a grade point of 2.00 or better. The total number of semester hours is subdivided among the general education requirements, the major, the minor and electives or professional requirements for certification in specific areas of interest to the student. Specific requirements are listed with the college requirements.
All students are held responsible for the degree requirements in effect at the time of entrance; however if a student drops for a semester or more and returns he/she will be accountable for the degree requirements in effect at the point of return. Only upon appeal of the individual student to the Academic Standing Committee could there be any deviations from this policy. Such an appeal must be submitted within one semester after the date of return and the Committee will decide each case upon its own merits.
Required courses in the General Education Requirements are geared toward establishing a broad based liberal education. These courses are designed to develop qualitative thinking and communicative skills. They seek to introduce students to creative products of the human mind, to human society both past and present, and to the natural world in which mankind finds itself.
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
The below listed sections are intended to provide necessary information on the various colleges, departments, majors, minors, and degrees offered at the University’s undergraduate program based on the Suakoko campus.
Candidates for a degree must complete the required hours for the respective majors or minors. This information is available from this current catalog or the respective colleges (whichever is latest). Any substitution of a core course is to be approved by the Dean of the College in consultation with the Curriculum Committee. Candidates shall complete the required general education requirements (Liberal Arts core courses) of their curriculum or the equivalent as approved by the Dean of the College in which the student is majoring in consultation with the Curriculum Committee. Unless the design of a particular curriculum prevents it, generally the courses in the Liberal Arts core (general Education requirements) for the degree should be completed by the end of the sophomore year.
A ‘Minor’ here does not refer to an under-aged person. Neither does it refer to a degree. It refers to a cluster of courses taken within a concentrated field of study for the benefit of giving depth to your academic explorations. Students are encouraged to pursue a minor in addition to their major. However, no Minor (as distinct from an elective) may be selected outside of the college in which your Major is domiciled. Students should contact the appropriate department and college to see which minors are available and acceptable, and the list of courses that are required for the Minor. Students will declare their minor with the Office of Admissions and Records and with the colleges offering the major and the minor. It is the student’s responsibility to understand the additional responsibility that comes with selecting a minor. Students may also pursue a certificate program in addition to their major and minor through the Office of Admissions.
A student may major in any two areas simultaneously (double major). The requirements are:
• Two majors cannot come from the same college or within a single department.
• The student must have completed at least 60 credit hours and no more than 90 credit hours (junior standing).
• The student must have completed a majority of the pre-requisites for both majors.
• The student must be able to satisfy the requirements for both majors, including major courses unique to each major.
• The student must meet with the deans of both or colleges to discuss your academic plan and obtain permission.
• The student must have a B (3.00) cumulative average at the end of the sophomore year to be eligible to major in two areas.
• Courses accepted as a major requirement for one major cannot be substituted for another major. However, courses taken in fulfillment of general college requirements may overlap to any degree.
• Obtain a Double Major Petition form from the Office of Admissions and Records.
• A double major worksheet explaining how the student plans to complete the double major.
• A brief statement of purpose (your reason for completing two majors).
• Submit the petition to the department chairs of each major and obtain their signatures.
• Submit the petition to the Office of the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs.
• Upon receipt of a letter granting your petition, visit the Office of Admissions to confirm that both majors appear in your record. Allow two weeks for this process.
The permission to do double majors must come from the College Dean and Department Head at the beginning of the student’s fifth semester. The Department(s) may review the performance of the student from time to time and advise the student whether or not he/she must drop one of the majors and concentrate on the other. All requirements for the two majors must be satisfied for graduation. Courses required for one major may not be substituted for another major.
The undergraduate studies program provide accommodation for students in its dormitories. The maximum residence requirement for the baccalaureate degree is seven years (7), which is fourteen (14) semesters. If a student does not complete the requirements for a degree within the maximum limit, he/she may petition the ASC for extension. Note: In light of Double Major, the residence requirement is eight (8) years, which is sixteen (16) semesters.
These procedures cover undergraduate and associate degree levels only.
How To Apply

Fees Structure