Junior College Entry Requirements

Cuttington University is historically committed to providing quality education to all who enter for study. The university firmly believes that learning is continuous, and therefore subscribes to the notion of lifelong learning. Each applicant is reviewed carefully based on entrance requirements as defined by the university. In choosing its students, Cuttington does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, religion, national origin, or personal disabilities. All students admitted are screened on placement examinations in English and Mathematics as determined by the Office of Admissions and Records.
Cuttington is academically “quality-driven”, and has historically provided for young people in Liberia and from other parts of Africa and the world, to have access to higher education. It reserves the right to grant or deny admission based on the guidelines set below:
1. Deposit $35 USD at bank (click here for Tuition & Fees) and take deposit slip to the Finance Office at Cuttington Junior College for an official receipt.
2. Take and pass the College placement (entrance) exam
3. Obtain an admission package from Admissions Office at Cuttington Junior College
4. Submit the following Requirements:
a. Complete and submit an admission Application Form (online) or paper
b. A WAEC Certificate & Chip
c. Copy of High School Diploma
d. Medical Certificate
e. 2 Letters of Recommendation (community and Religious institution)
f. Official Copy of 10th, 11th & 12th Grades Transcript
g. 2 Passport Size Photos
h. 1 Manila Folder & 1 My Clear Bag
All items must be submitted to the Admissions office at Cuttington Junior College before planning of courses.
Associate of Arts (AA)
Associate of Science (AS)
Associate of Applied Science (AAS)
Click links below for academic programs of study:
• http://www.cu.edu.lr/jcacademics.html
• https://www.ldts.org/
The Junior College curriculum is liberal arts based; and that is, it assumes that students should have a general education drawn from broad academic areas, as well as specialized training in one major department, and that students should have the liberty within certain established guidelines and consultation with their faculty advisors, to select their own course of study.
Academic work is measured in terms of semester or credits hours. For a student to graduate, he/she must complete and pass a minimum number of semester hours with a grade point of 2.00 or better. The total numbers of semester hours are subdivided among the general education requirements, the major, the minor and electives or professional requirements for certification in specific areas of interest to the student. Specific requirements are listed with the college requirements.
All students are held responsible for the degree requirements in effect at the time of entrance; however, if a student drops for a semester or more and returns he/she will be accountable for the degree requirements in effect at the point of return. Only upon appeal of the individual student to the Academic Standing Committee could there be any deviations from this policy. Such an appeal must be submitted within one semester after the date of return and the Committee will decide each case upon its own merits.
Required courses in the General Education Requirements are geared toward establishing a broad-based liberal education. These courses are designed to develop qualitative thinking and communicative skills. They seek to introduce students to creative products of the human mind, to human society both past and present, and to the natural world in which mankind finds itself.
Candidates for an associate degree must complete the required hours for the respective majors. This information is available from the current catalog or the respective departments (whichever is latest). Any substitution of a core course is to be approved by the Department Chairperson in consultation with the Academic Standing Committee.
The Junior College is a nonresidential campus where students commute to classes on site. The maximum time requirement for the associate’s degree is four (4) semesters. If a student does not complete the requirements for a degree within the maximum limit, the student may petition the Academic Standing Committee for extension.
How To Apply

Fees Structure

Tel: +231 886 452 417
+231 779 120 701