Liberia Dental Therapy School Admission Requirements
This is a professional program with limited enrolment, with a strong emphasis on practicum. Candidates for the Associate of Applied Science degree in Dental Therapy must have completed high school before applying to the school. Students must complete the required hours for the majors before graduation. Any substitution of a core course must be approved by the Dean and Chair in consultation with the Academic Standing Committee. Academic work is measured in terms of semester or credits hours. For a student to graduate, he/she must complete and pass a minimum number of semester hours with a minimum grade point of 2.00 or better. Students are responsible for the degree requirements in effect at the time of entrance; however, if a student drops for a semester or more and returns, he/she will be accountable for the degree requirements in effect at the point of return. (See Junior College admission requirements for additional information)
The Dental Therapy Program Campus is a non-residential site, and students commute to classes on site. The maximum requirement for the associate’s degree is four (4) semesters. If a student does not complete the requirements for a degree within the maximum limit, he/she may petition the Program for an extension.
All applicants for the program to become a Dental Therapy Practitioner (DTP) are required to have a sponsor. (CLICK HERE)
(See Tuition and Fee Schedule on website)